150 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
i686 Staging readline 7.0.003-1 GNU readline library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging lynx 2.8.8-5 A text browser for the World Wide Web April 5, 2018
i686 Staging patch 2.7.5-1 A utility to apply patch files to original sources April 5, 2018
i686 Staging icu 60.1-1 International Components for Unicode library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging sqlite 3.21.0-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libdatrie 0.2.10-2 Implementation of double-array structure for representing trie, as proposed by Junichi Aoe. April 5, 2018
i686 Staging texinfo 6.5-1 GNU documentation system for on-line information and printed output April 5, 2018
i686 Staging netdde r19.1678bdea3-1 Linux 2.6 network drivers embedded in userland processes thanks to the DDE layer. April 5, 2018
i686 Staging re2c 1.0.3-1 A tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gdbm 1.13-1 GNU database library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging m4 1.4.18-1 The GNU macro processor April 5, 2018
i686 Staging zip 3.0-7 Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles April 5, 2018
i686 Staging bzip2 1.0.6-6 A high-quality data compression program April 5, 2018
i686 Staging pinentry 1.0.0-1 Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol April 5, 2018
i686 Staging python2 2.7.14-1 A high-level scripting language April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libarchive 3.3.2-1 Multi-format archive and compression library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging bc 1.07.1-1 An arbitrary precision calculator language April 5, 2018
i686 Staging bison 3.0.4-3 The GNU general-purpose parser generator April 5, 2018
i686 Staging curl 7.60.0-1 An URL retrieval utility and library July 30, 2018
i686 Staging help2man 1.47.5-1 Conversion tool to create man files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging glibc 2.29.r34436.56c86f5dd5-1 GNU C Library May 5, 2019
i686 Staging libidn2 2.0.4-2 Free software implementation of IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46 April 5, 2018
i686 Staging nspr 4.17-1 Netscape Portable Runtime April 5, 2018
i686 Staging python 3.6.3-1 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language April 5, 2018
i686 Staging shadow 4.5-2 Password and account management tool suite with support for shadow files and PAM April 5, 2018
i686 Staging sqlite-doc 3.21.0-1 most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation April 5, 2018
i686 Staging perl-unicode-linebreak 2017.004-1 UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm April 5, 2018
i686 Staging inetutils 1.9.4-5 A collection of common network programs April 5, 2018
i686 Staging flex 2.6.4-1 A tool for generating text-scanning programs April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libxslt 1.1.32+3+g32c88216-1 XML stylesheet transformation library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging xz 5.2.3-1 Library and command line tools for XZ and LZMA compressed files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging glib2 2.54.2-2 Low level core library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging file 5.32-1 File type identification utility April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gnupg 2.2.2-1 Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard April 5, 2018
i686 Staging tcl 8.6.7-1 The Tcl scripting language April 5, 2018
i686 Staging ed 1.14.2-1 A POSIX-compliant line-oriented text editor April 5, 2018
i686 Staging mpfr 3.1.6-1 Multiple-precision floating-point library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libpipeline 1.5.0-1 a C library for manipulating pipelines of subprocesses in a flexible and convenient way April 5, 2018
i686 Staging boost-libs 1.65.1-2 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries - runtime libraries April 5, 2018
i686 Staging ctags 5.8-5 Generates an index file of language objects found in source files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging perl-locale-gettext 1.07-5 Permits access from Perl to the gettext() family of functions April 5, 2018
i686 Staging procps-ng 3.3.12-1 Utilities for monitoring your system and its processes April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libunistring 0.9.7-1 Library for manipulating Unicode strings and C strings April 5, 2018
i686 Staging pkg-config 0.29.2-1 A system for managing library compile/link flags April 5, 2018
i686 Staging oniguruma 6.6.1-1 a regular expressions library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging perl-text-charwidth 0.04-15 Perl/CPAN Module Text::CharWidth April 5, 2018
i686 Staging openssl 1.1.0.f-1 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gzip 1.8-2 GNU compression utility April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gcc-fortran 6.4.0-1 Fortran front-end for GCC April 5, 2018
i686 Staging ca-certificates-mozilla 3.34-1 Mozilla's set of trusted CA certificates April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gc 7.6.0-1 A garbage collector for C and C++ April 5, 2018
i686 Staging shadow-debug 4.5-2 Detached debugging symbols for shadow April 5, 2018
i686 Staging tar 1.29-2 Utility used to store, backup, and transport files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging findutils 4.6.0-2 GNU utilities to locate files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging python-numpy 1.13.3-1 Scientific tools for Python April 5, 2018
i686 Staging ldns 1.7.0-3 Fast DNS library supporting recent RFCs April 5, 2018
i686 Staging e2fsprogs 1.43.7-1 Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities April 5, 2018
i686 Staging hurd 0.9.r179.g7d10ab8b-1 The GNU Hurd May 5, 2019
i686 Staging coreutils 8.28-1 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gawk 4.1.4-2 GNU version of awk April 5, 2018
i686 Staging cython2 0.27.3-3 C-Extensions for Python April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libgcrypt 1.8.1-1 General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libpsl 0.18.0-2 Public Suffix List library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging man-db A utility for reading man pages April 5, 2018
i686 Staging jq 1.5-5 Command-line JSON processor April 5, 2018
i686 Staging zlib 1:1.2.11-2 Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libassuan 2.4.3-1 IPC library used by some GnuPG related software April 5, 2018
i686 Staging filesystem 2017.03-1 Base Arch Linux files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging lzo 2.10-1 Portable lossless data compression library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging make 4.2.1-2 GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs April 5, 2018
i686 Staging vim 8.0.1297-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor April 5, 2018
i686 Staging attr 2.4.47-3 Extended attribute support library for ACL support April 5, 2018
i686 Staging source-highlight 3.1.8-13 Convert source code to syntax highlighted document April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libpcap 1.8.1-2 A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libssh2 1.8.0-2 A library implementing the SSH2 protocol as defined by Internet Drafts April 5, 2018
i686 Staging less 487-1 A terminal based program for viewing text files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging vi 1:070224-2 The original ex/vi text editor April 5, 2018
i686 Staging npth 1.5-1 New portable threads library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging diffutils 3.6-1 Utility programs used for creating patch files April 5, 2018
i686 Staging which 2.21-2 A utility to show the full path of commands April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libtasn1 4.12-2 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libutil-linux 2.31-2 util-linux runtime libraries April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gnumach-headers 1.8.r82.g0294ec07-1 GNU Mach - header files May 5, 2019
i686 Staging libffi 3.2.1-2 Portable foreign function interface library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging openssh 7.6p1-1 Free version of the SSH connectivity tools April 5, 2018
i686 Staging grub 2:2.02-4 GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2) April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gpgme 1.9.0-3 A C wrapper library for GnuPG April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gcc-libs 6.4.0-1 Runtime libraries shipped by GCC April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libthai 0.1.27-1 Thai language support routines April 5, 2018
i686 Staging pcre2 10.30-1 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions. 2nd version April 5, 2018
i686 Staging python2-numpy 1.13.3-1 Scientific tools for Python April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libgpg-error 1.27-1 Support library for libgcrypt April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libmpc 1.0.3-2 Library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libksba 1.3.5-1 A CMS and X.509 access library April 5, 2018
i686 Staging expect 5.45-5 A tool for automating interactive applications April 5, 2018
i686 Staging boost 1.65.1-2 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries - development headers April 5, 2018
i686 Staging gcc 6.4.0-1 The GNU Compiler Collection - C and C++ frontends April 5, 2018
i686 Staging grep 3.1-1 A string search utility April 5, 2018
i686 Staging sqlite-tcl 3.21.0-1 sqlite Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) April 5, 2018
i686 Staging libedit 20170329_3.1-1 Command line editor library providing generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions April 5, 2018

150 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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